Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Committee”
Training Coordinator
Duties Ensure troop leaders and committee members have opportunities for training. Maintain an inventory of up-to-date training materials, videos, and other training resources. Work with the district training team in scheduling Fast Start training for all new leaders. Be responsible for BSA Youth Protection training within the troop. Encourage periodic youth leader training within the troop and at the council and national levels. Report to the troop committee at each meeting.
Committee Members
Duties Attend all committee meetings Participate in voting Assist in adhoc sub-committees Help facilitate the monthly objectives of the scouts
Advancement Coordinator
Duties Encourage Scouts to advance in rank. Work with the troop scribe to maintain all Scout advancement records. Arrange quarterly troop boards of review and courts of honor. Develop and maintain a merit badge counselor list. Make a prompt report on the correct form to the council service center when a troop board of review is held. Secure badges and certificates. Work with the troop librarian to build and maintain a troop library of merit badge pamphlets and other advancement literature.
Duties Keep minutes of meetings and send out committee meeting notices. Ensure that Scoutbook Calendar is up to date and all events are registered. Maintain member health forms and perform annual audit. Handle all Troop communications. Handle publicity. Prepare a family newsletter or web page of troop events and activities. Conduct the troop resource survey. At each meeting, report the minutes of the previous meeting. Position History Diana Kaminski 2021-2024 Anthony Wehry 2019-2021 Sean Bridges 2015-2019 Cynthia Welt 2011-2015
Duties Handle all troop funds. Pay bills on recommendation of the Scoutmaster and authorization of the troop committee. Maintain checking and savings accounts. Keep adequate records in the Troop/ream Record Book. Supervise money-earning projects, including obtaining proper authorizations. Supervise the camp savings plan. Lead in the preparation of the annual troop budget. Lead the Friends of Scouting campaign. Report to the troop committee at each meeting. Manage grocery fundraising programs Bashas Fry’s Position History Ted Harrison 2012-2016
Patrol Adult Guide
Description Provide adult guidance to patrol leaders and and patrol members.
Duties Assist in coordinating patrol events Coordinate purchasing and acquisition of patrol patches
Charter Liaison
Activity Chair
Position Description The troop activities chairs are responsible for ensuring that our youth annual planning calendar can be executed by ensuring availability of permits and sites for our outings. They also coordinate with the planned summer camp outings for the year to ensure we have spots and our youth are properly onboarded on to the program.
Duties Help in securing permission to use camping sites. Secure tour permits for all troop activities.
Equipment Coordinator
Duties Supervise and help the troop procure camping equipment. Work with the quartermaster on inventory and proper storage and maintenance of all troop equipment. Make periodic safety checks on all troop camping gear, and encourage troops in the safe use of all outdoor equipment. Report to the troop committee at each meeting. Handle troop donations and uniform recycling.
Membership Coordinators
Duties Welcome all new Scout parents and provide them with information about the troop. Provide an orientation for new Scout parents about how the troop works. Assign parents to help with at least one specific task, assignment, or project annually. Keep parents updated on the troop’s program and their son’s involvement. Work closely with the Cubmaster and Webelos den leader of neighboring Cub Scout packs to provide a smooth transition from pack to troop.
Duties Provide technology guidance for troop. Maintain and provide a platform for web presence. Work with interested scouts on maintaining content on website.
Court of Honor Coordinator
Position Description Help our Court of Honor gatherings go smoothly by organizing potluck, event and kitchen preparations.
Duties Plan dinner theme for Court of Honor. Organize and setup sign-up forms for participants. Ensure the troop has drinks, utensils and napkins in stock. Organize cleanup after event.