Committee Chair
Keri Cavanaugh
Position Description
The troop committee chair is appointed by the chartered organization and/or the troop committee to see that all required committee functions are carried out. The troop committee chair appoints and supervises the unit committee and leaders, and organizes all committee to see that all troop responsibilities are delegated, coordinated and completed.
- Organize the committee to see that all functions are delegated, coordinated, and completed.
- Ensure that all training is in place and work with the Training Coordinator to validate the charter training needs are recorded.
- Maintain a close relationship with the Chartered Organization Representative and the Scoutmaster .
- Interpret national and local policies to the troop.
- Prepare troop committee meeting agendas.
- Call, preside over, and promote attendance at monthly troop committee meetings and any special meetings that may be called.
- Ensure troop representation at monthly roundtables.
- Secure top-notch, trained individuals for camp leadership.
- Arrange for charter review and recharter annually.
- Plan the charter presentation.
Position History
- Patricia George 2016-2021
- Dean Bauer 2002-2016