Unit Commissioner
Judy Walden
The commissioner’s specific mission is to keep units operating at maximum efficiency so that they can deliver a good program to a growing youth membership.
Today’s commissioners are results-oriented rather than procedures-oriented. They are successful in their mission when units continue to operate, units regularly accept new youth, and units effectively deliver the ideals of Scouting to their members.
Commissioners are involved with carrying programs to the unit, and their main concern is to develop strength within the unit operation. Encouraging unit leaders to attend Roundtables will give the adults resources and ideas for implementation in their unit.
- Supporting unit growth and retention through the journey to excellence.
- Making meaningful unit contacts that capture in commissioner tools their strengths, needs, and a unit service plan that enables continuing improvement.
- Linking unit needs to district operating committee and other resources.
- Supporting timely unit, district, and council charter renewals.
- Supporting unit leaders by delivering effective roundtables that provide program ideas, relationship development, and timely communication.
- Enable an increased number of traditional units.
- Improve the retention rate of traditional units.
- Enable implementation of a unit service plan through collaborative detailed assessments and an increased number of meaningful unit contacts